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August 2014 Ebooks - BellaOnline Free and Bargain Ebooks

If you love free and bargain ebooks, you've come to the right place! Every day BellaOnline features the best ebooks from top-notch authors.

These were the books that were featured in August 2014.

Slave GravesSlave Graves by Thomas Hollyday

Dr. Frank Light, archaeologist, is frustrated. He’d settled into a plush life - cushy department-head job at a university, suave girlfriend, book in the works. Now he’s been ordered into the sludgy, back-water marshes of Maryland to fend off hordes of mosquitoes, all because of an inconsequential find at a bridge construction site. Maggie, the outspoken state archaeologist working the dig, insists the shipwreck has historical significance. Pastor Allingham is even more vehement, insisting the decaying timbers hide a rumored, long-lost slave graveyard.

Real estate tycoon Jake Terment is furious that his construction project is held up by the growing concerns of Frank and his team. Jake cranks up the pressure for a quick resolution. Others passionately feel the archaeology project should either come to a crashing halt or press full speed ahead. An eclectic group of butterfly fanatics, a mysterious waterman of Mexican heritage, a curvaceous movie star, and even ghosts make their presence known.

When several attempts are made on the team members´ lives, Frank draws on lessons from his Vietnam vet past. He has to decide on which side of this battle to stake his claim - and if he is ready to risk his life again for his beliefs.

The River Sunday Romance Mystery Series can be read in any order. Part of the proceeds from the sale of Thomas Hollyday fiction and non-fiction goes to support drinking water resources for wildlife.

Price: FREE

Slave Graves on Kindle

Stories from a StepMomStories from a StepMom by Shadra Bruce

Disney had it wrong. Stepmothers aren´t always wicked. This book delves into all that can be good about being a stepmom - opening your heart, building new relationships, and creating a loving blended family - while tackling the tough stuff, like how to handle discipline, what to do when people minimize your role, and why dad´s role is so crucial to your success as a stepmom. Included in the book is a Q & A section with some of the most common questions the author has been asked over the years from stepmoms seeking stepparenting advice, along with a sneak peek at Shadra´s upcoming book.

Price: $1.99

Stories from a StepMom on Kindle

Endings: Parables From The Apocalypse - Book 1Endings: Parables From The Apocalypse - Book 1 by Norman Christof

Mankind is losing their biggest war ever. The one war they can´t afford to lose.

Decorated war hero Colonel Chaz Sheperd wasn´t used to being beat, and this time it wasn´t just the enemy making his life miserable. With even his family turning on him, he´d have to make some hard choices. Knowing where his loyalties lay wasn´t as easy as it used to be.

In a crumbling world trusted alliances were essential but fleeting. Chaz would find answers where he least expected. Answers not only for him, but the entire planet.

Price: FREE

Endings: Parables From The Apocalypse - Book 1 on Kindle

BedoggledBedoggled by Tracy Heath

“As before, the writing is colorful, evocative and humorous….” – Amazon reviewer mwalimu


Tracy Heath once again brings the quirky Oregon desert and its people to you with her feel-good, laugh-out-loud tales. In this second book of her Country Misadventures series, Tracy recounts numerous stories full of humor and poignancy.

Experience the face-palm moments of becoming a dog owner:
“Considering his klutzy habits and ill-mannered behavior, [Bowser’s] knowledge of the indoors was limited. But his understanding of life in general was lacking, so we should have seen something coming.”

Relive the days of T-ball where the hardest part of the game is keeping the helmet out of your eyes:
“We had a few players that could hit the ball off the tee onto the field and then run toward first base. Sometimes they forgot to turn left after reaching first and just kept galloping into the outfield, but it was a start.”

And get ready for hard-core fishing, folks, because fishing’s not for wimps:
“Dripping piteously, the fishers reached the foot of the trail and took a minute to gaze up the steep, switchbacked path, the shadows already growing long around them. Crying seemed a viable option….”

Enjoy these escapades and several other comical stories in Tracy’s take on country life. Bedoggled is available solely for your entertainment!

Price: FREE

Bedoggled on Kindle

Stop Chronic Fatigue: How To Get Your Life BackStop Chronic Fatigue: How To Get Your Life Back by Lisa Gibson

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is one of the most frequently diagnosed ‘mystery’ conditions. More than one million Americans suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and those numbers are on the rise. This illness strikes more people than multiple sclerosis, lupus, and many forms of cancer. CFS occurs four times more frequently in woman than men.

Why is CFS on the rise?
Is this some kind of epidemic or has CFS become the catch all diagnosis for health conditions when you experience fatigue and pain and they can’t figure out what else is wrong with you. A syndrome is by definition a group of symptoms that consistently occur together. So, in truth, chronic fatigue is not really a disease just a bunch of symptoms. These symptoms can be very serious, life threatening and debilitating.

So the question remains, what is causing all these symptoms? Is it diet, diseases, environmental factors, or all of the above. Sadly the health care arena has more questions than answers. These unanswered questions can leave CFS sufferers feeling hopeless and resolved to the fact that they may have to live with these debilitating symptoms the rest of their life. You do not have to let these symptoms control your life. There are both traditional and nontraditional treatment methods that help you figure out the root causes of your CFS symptoms and to manage these symptoms.

What is the solution?
The best way to beat CFS is to figure out what is really causing your symptoms. So, in this book I will show you.
- Viruses and infections can cause CFS symptoms
- What tests to have your doctor test you for
- Life style changes you can implement to decrease your symptoms and improve your life
- Technological advancements in the treatment of CFS root issues
- Medicine, supplements and nutritional products that lesson or even negate CFS symptoms

If left untreated you might lose your job, or worse yet, you might even die. So, it is about time you take charge of your own health and find the answers you are looking for in this practical book. It is time that you take your life back!

Price: $1.29

Stop Chronic Fatigue: How To Get Your Life Back on Kindle

Investing $10K in 2014 (Sandra´s Investing Basics)Investing $10K in 2014 (Sandra´s Investing Basics) by Sandra Baublitz

Do you have a large sum of money to invest? Do you hesitate to invest because it seems so complex? Are you too busy to actively manage a portfolio?

This eBook will teach you a profitable and easy to create portfolio. It will show you how to set up an investment plan and how to choose the lowest cost mutual funds. You will learn how to adjust your bond investing to ease, or avoid, losses from rising interest rates. A large sum of money can be easily diversified into a simple and profitable portfolio.

Just a beginner? No worries. Investing $10K in 2014 explains everything in easy to understand language. You will be able to start a well-balanced portfolio when done this eBook.

Too busy to invest? The sample portfolio in this eBook is easy to implement. It is cost effective and easy to maintain. It requires very little attention so you can concentrate on your busy life.

Investing is a journey. You can educate yourself to a profitable future. This eBook is your guide. Get all the information you need for a secure financial future in this quick and thorough eBook.

Price: $2.99

Investing $10K in 2014 (Sandra´s Investing Basics) on Kindle

Aquarian AwakeningsAquarian Awakenings by Lisa Shea

Nicole Bessam had finally found him. After long, fruitless years of searching, after countless missteps and mistakes, she had at last reunited with the man she had pledged her heart to. He was right there in front of her.

But he didn´t remember her face.

Commander Jon Paxton was transfixed by the woman before him. He´d had lovers in the past, certainly - women who eased his loneliness. But none had ever called to him the way Nicole did. None had ever fit into his life as neatly as a key fits into its lock. And there seemed to be so much more beneath the surface - but he just couldn´t reach it.

Nicole had to move as carefully as a cat negotiating a rocky ledge high above a desolate abyss. One reckless step, one shift in the wrong direction, and the love they had shared could be forever lost.

* * *

Aquarian Awakenings is the first novella in the Collective Saga series. This romance tale is set in the sci-fi fantasy world of a future where spaceships patrol the planets, keeping them safe from invaders and pirates. The story is presented in a gentle manner, with no explicit violence or intimacy.

All proceeds from the Collective Saga series benefit battered women´s shelters.

Price: $0.99

Aquarian Awakenings on Kindle

How to Write Descriptions of Eyes and FacesHow to Write Descriptions of Eyes and Faces by Val Kovalin

This book is for fiction writers who love physical descriptions of characters.

Each section centers on a type of description, such as Eye Color (for example, Crystal blue eyes), or Appearance of the Eye (for example, Beady eyes or Bedroom eyes), or Actions Involving the Eyes (for example, Darting eyes or Gawking). Each section lists its descriptive terms alphabetically with full explanations. You can read the lists to learn new terms, or you can look up a specific term.

The eye section starts with the location of colors in the iris. Through examples, you learn how physical description starts with an accurate, detailed picture of everything you see, which you condense for your fiction. You learn about the appearance of the eyes, actions involving the eyes, and how to describe eyelids, eyebrows, and eyelashes. All of this leads into more than 2,000 words explaining 82 different color names to assign to eyes that are black, blue, brown, gray, green, hazel, or violet.

The face section shows how to describe facial shapes, forehead, ears, cheekbones, nose, lips, chin, and facial hair, if any. You learn about facial expressions, such as simpering or sneering, and things like the differences between a frown and a scowl.

You also get a section on how the face shows different emotions. For example, you can look up Anger and read about common physical signs of anger such as blood rising beneath the skin, the forehead tightening, the eyes narrowing, and the nose wrinkling in disgust.

Who may benefit from this book? Anyone who wants a quick prompt or idea so as not to lose his writing momentum. Readers for whom English is a second language may enjoy the in-depth explanations of American English terms. Authors in genres that demand much physical description (for example, fantasy fiction and romance fiction) may also find this book useful.

Price: $2.99

How to Write Descriptions of Eyes and Faces on Kindle

Aspen AllegationsAspen Allegations by Lisa Shea

Morgan has become settled in her quiet life in Sutton, Massachusetts. Her peaceful morning yoga routine is assisted by her cat, Juliet. In the evening she guides her kayak across the placid surface of Lake Singletary. Everything is in its place.

When Morgan stumbles across a dead body in the shadowy depths of Sutton Woods, her stability is knocked askew. Jason, the ranger who comes to her aid, provides a steady rock of support. The death seems at first an accident, but Morgan knows in her heart that a delicate strut of life has fallen out of balance.

As Morgan and Jason delve into the mystery, still waters are stirred. Danger billows from the depths of Purgatory Chasm, from the twisted histories that stretch back decades. Can they unravel the tangled skeins before the past catches up with them?

All proceeds benefit battered women´s shelters.

Aspen Allegations is the winner of the 2013 IPPY Gold Medal for Best Regional E-Book - East (covers everywhere east of the Mississippi River).

Aspen Allegations is the first novel in the award-winning Sutton Massachusetts Mystery series. It is followed by Birch Blackguards.

All novels in the Sutton Massachusetts Mystery series are written in a boots-on-the-ground, chapter-a-day format. Author Lisa Shea goes to the locations, experiences the atmosphere, and then infuses those colors, birdsongs, and fragrances into her story in a manner reminiscent of Annie Dillard´s Pilgrim at Tinker Creek.

Price: $2.99

Aspen Allegations on Kindle

Past Ebooks by Genre
Mystery Bargain and Free Ebooks
Romance Bargain and Free Ebooks
Romance (Sci-Fi) Bargain and Free Ebooks
Science Fiction Bargain and Free Ebooks
Fantasy Bargain and Free Ebooks
Education Bargain and Free Ebooks
Home and Pets Bargain and Free Ebooks
Humor Bargain and Free Ebooks
Money and Investing Bargain and Free Ebooks
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Past Ebooks by Month
August 2014 Ebooks
September 2014 Ebooks
October 2014 Ebooks

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