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How to Write Descriptions of Eyes and FacesHow to Write Descriptions of Eyes and Faces by Val Kovalin

This book is for fiction writers who love physical descriptions of characters.

Each section centers on a type of description, such as Eye Color (for example, Crystal blue eyes), or Appearance of the Eye (for example, Beady eyes or Bedroom eyes), or Actions Involving the Eyes (for example, Darting eyes or Gawking). Each section lists its descriptive terms alphabetically with full explanations. You can read the lists to learn new terms, or you can look up a specific term.

The eye section starts with the location of colors in the iris. Through examples, you learn how physical description starts with an accurate, detailed picture of everything you see, which you condense for your fiction. You learn about the appearance of the eyes, actions involving the eyes, and how to describe eyelids, eyebrows, and eyelashes. All of this leads into more than 2,000 words explaining 82 different color names to assign to eyes that are black, blue, brown, gray, green, hazel, or violet.

The face section shows how to describe facial shapes, forehead, ears, cheekbones, nose, lips, chin, and facial hair, if any. You learn about facial expressions, such as simpering or sneering, and things like the differences between a frown and a scowl.

You also get a section on how the face shows different emotions. For example, you can look up Anger and read about common physical signs of anger such as blood rising beneath the skin, the forehead tightening, the eyes narrowing, and the nose wrinkling in disgust.

Who may benefit from this book? Anyone who wants a quick prompt or idea so as not to lose his writing momentum. Readers for whom English is a second language may enjoy the in-depth explanations of American English terms. Authors in genres that demand much physical description (for example, fantasy fiction and romance fiction) may also find this book useful.

Price: $2.99

How to Write Descriptions of Eyes and Faces on Kindle

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